Satyr Tf

This is an original work of fiction meant for entertainment purposes only.


By LJ58

Erotic transformation story archive. Posted by docbyron on Jul 23rd, 2019. Viewing a single story should be fast again. There's an issue with the story view counts that was slowing the whole thing down horribly (as I'm sure you noticed). Shantae's Mermaid Trip (TF, Mind control) Shantae walked across to Mermaid Falls on a mission. Her outfit usually consists of harem pants, a bra, and gold jewellery. She has a relatively thin figure and is rather short compared to most girls. Those that are not. Satyr, Human, Cervine. In Greek mythology, a satyr is the member of a troop of ithyphallic male companions of. But Satyrs can come in other hybrid human/animal forms, as well. This transformation or humanization of the Satyr appears throughout late Greek art. In the 17th century, the satyr legend came to be associated with. Click here to send me a trade offer I'll consider each and every one!

Sally wanted to stop herself.

She knew what was happening. She had figured it out after the second time the strange, bestial little man had all but raped her just two weeks ago. Only now, the not quite human creature wasn't raping her. Her own body, her own hunger, was betraying her.

She could no more stop herself from sliding her lips down the furry sheath to suck down the long, thick shaft that slid out of that bestial scabbard than she could make her heart stop beating. In other words, she couldn't.

She tasted the tart, musky tang of his flesh, tasted his drooling precum as she sucked the purplish phallus deep into her eager mouth, and felt her tail twitch in excitement as she did.

The tail that had grown after just the third time the strange creature had fucked her. Before that, her ears had changed, stretching, and shifting to form high, elfin points not unlike goat-like ears that the creature before her possessed. Like him, small, nub-like horns now jutted from her smooth, bronzed brow, her tawny hair's bangs providing little to cover the new growth that had begun that second day. Her feet were changing, too, and she suspected that they would be like his soon enough.

That was, they would be hooves. Cloven animal hooves. Like his. Of course, his entire lower body was that of an animal. Thick, dark brown fur covered his thick, muscular flanks, and strangely spindly legs. His own tail was a short, bristly stub compared to her long, slender appendage that ended in a thick brushy bob.

His upper torso was completely human unless one counted his ears and horns, and he was powerfully built, and admittedly handsome beneath that thick, untamed beard that framed his bronzed features. He was the very image of a satyr out of some ancient myth, save that he was real.

She still remembered the first time she had seen him. She had been standing at the window of her bedroom, having just arrived at her uncle's goat farm where she was to spend the summer while her parents traveled overseas. Her parents felt that being a sixteen year old girl made her too immature to go abroad with them. Especially with all the trouble already going on in some parts of the world.

It was a stupid excuse to her, but she had little choice. She was dropped at her uncle's, and the old man had merely grunted, and showed her a room as his welcome to his niece. She had been looking out the window in her rather Spartan bedroom when she saw the strange creature trot around the side of the barn. She had rushed down to tell Uncle James, but the old man told her to stop with the stories, he had work to do, and she could bloody well learn to help, or stay the hell out of his way.

That was just the way he had said it, too.

He sent her to the barn, to milk the goats, a chore she had last done years ago when only ten. She had been raised in the city since then, but her uncle had assured her such skills didn't fade, and she would remember what to do soon enough.

She had gone to the barn more out of curiosity than to do any work. She had looked everywhere, but the strange little man she had spied from her window was nowhere around. With grudging reluctance, she set to work rounding up the nannies one by one to milk them. Not an easy task when the spirited creatures all wanted to avoid her.

By the time she finished her milking, she was soaked with both sweat, and milk, and smelled of goat. Not a good smell, she realized as she emptied the buckets into the large containers lined up in the barn just for that purpose.

She was curious as to the presence of several milking stations as she worked, since there were no cows on the small goat farm her uncle ran. Even as she capped off the last milk container, she heard something, and then she was slammed into the straw from behind as strong hands literally ripped the jeans from her body. By the time the thick, masculine shaft thrust into her virgin body without care for foreplay or warning, she realized belatedly she had found the odd creature.

He bleated in her ears as he rutted over her like some animal, but his hands held her easily beneath him as he steadily pumped his surprisingly large shaft into her shockingly wet pussy that had begun to flow as if she had been aroused for hours. No wonder he had entered her so easily she had mused then as she felt the odd throbbing ache begin in her forehead that would later become her horns.

Shame had sent her creeping back to her room after the strange creature had filled her full of his thick seed before he seemed to literally vanish. She knew, because she looked again for her rapist, even then half wanting his return, as much as she feared finding him as she crept around the barn. In the end, she had managed to get back to her room, where she quickly showered, and cleaned up before she saw her uncle again.

All night long, it seemed she had a powerful headache, and couldn't stop rubbing her brow. Supper proved to be a subdued meal, as James didn't believe in chatting as he studied his breeding charts, and dairy records while attacking the meal he had made like it was just another part of his daily business. That night, sleep was almost impossible as she kept seeing disturbing images every time she closed her eyes. When she finally did doze off, she spent most of it dreaming she was a goat running through the meadows around her uncle's farm.

And that had been but the first time.

The next day had passed innocuously enough, but the third day, as she went out for the afternoon milking, she found herself slammed down into the nearest stall once more, her jeans once more shredded as the satyr assaulted her once more. She felt the horns explode from her brow this time, though she had yet to realize what they were. She had simply felt the strangeness of some alien growth burst from her skull, and a twitching on either side of her skull that troubled her.

This time, however, the strange beast-man did not vanish immediately. Instead, after he had ridden her to climax, he pulled his wet, dripping rod from her belly to spin her onto her back before stabbing his strange cock right down her throat before she could even think of resisting.

He didn't rely on her suckling him, as she had her only boyfriend back home a few times. He simply thrust into her mouth as if it were but another orifice for him to fuck. She was so stunned, she didn't even try to fight him as she stared up at him, getting her first good look at the creature that had stolen her virginity.

A creature that would take her many times over the next few weeks.

That was the moment, however, she had put cause to effect when she stole back into the house to shower, and found her ears jutting out from beneath her darkening hair, along with her new, bony protuberances that now adorned her brow.

She had almost screamed, and considered calling her uncle right then. A strange throbbing in her rounded backside distracted her, though, and something….deeper….kept her from seeking her uncle's help. She took to wearing skirts after that, and an old hat to hide her horns that grew out more each day until they were soon a good four inches long. Just like a nanny's she would realize as her milking duties became far easier, as if the goats now viewed her as simply one of their own.

And the satyr now came upon her anytime, anywhere. In the morning, noon, or even at night in her own bed.

And by then, her will was already crumbling, for by the next day she wasn't even wearing underwear beneath her skirts. Her short, denim skirts that left her ready for the savage coupling of her strange lover at any time he deigned visit now became her garment of choice.

By the second week, she was actively seeking him out, too, and enjoying the feel of sun upon her body when she started wearing only very short tops to frame her swelling breasts. Oddly, her uncle never seemed to pay her the slightest attention. Not even when she daringly quit wearing her cap to show off her ears and horns. He simply grunted at her, as always, and went back to work.

She was beginning to simply accept that she was his, and always would be. Which was when things changed for her. For even as she suckled her bestial lover, her uncle came into the barn and stood glaring down at them with smug humor.

'Good,' he finally grunted, and ignored her as he looked at the satyr. 'Time now to collar her, I think, and let her fill out her new form,' he grinned coldly.

Sally looked at her uncle in confusion even as she detected the rumble of discontent from the satyr who looked on her with a sympathetic expression.

'You know what I want, beast,' James told him. 'Now finish the job, for I've got quotas…..'

The shrill sound of a car horn stopped him, even as a familiar voice, to her, shouted her name. 'Sally,' she heard a friend from school shout again. 'Where are you, girl? We've come to help you survive the summer,' Beth yelled.

James swore. Then turned on her. 'Why didn't you tell me those people were coming,' he demanded, looking a bit like a madman just then.

'I….I didn't know,' she almost bleated like an animal herself, so great was her instinctive fear of this cold, obviously cruel man.

'Get dressed, and get rid of them,' he told her curtly. 'Then get back here.'

She never had the chance. Even as she dressed, the satyr vanished right into thin air as her three best friends entered the barn. Beth, a voluptuous redhead, Angie, a husky, round brunette, and her other dearest friend, Sherry, a lean, dark-haired girl who had a face like an angel. Thankfully, she had a cap left in the barn, and she snatched it up to drop it over her head just before the girls entered.

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'There you are,' Beth grinned as she boldly entered the barn. 'Didn't you hear us calling?'

'I had to finish….some chores,' Sally told her friends after a guarded look at her uncle who looked ready to explode.

What had he meant about collars, and finishing her form? What did he know of her strange lover, and how was it he seemed to command him?

'Well, I grew up on a ranch,' Angie told her, flexing her big arms. 'Name it, and I can help out,' she boasted as James gave her a measuring stare that Sally found unnerving.

'So, you girls plan on staying long,' James asked them.

'Well, we've got all summer, and we thought we might stop by and see how our best girl was doing,' Sherry told him with a faint smile. 'If you don't mind.'

'This is a working farm, girls,' James told them in a grim manner. 'We don't play here unless the chores are done.

'And the chores…..'

'Are never done,' Angie parroted him. 'Sorry. Dad was the same way when we lived on the ranch.'

'Why'd you move,' James asked her. 'He sounds like he was a man that must have loved his land.'

'He is. But his health got too bad to keep up with everything, so he left it in my brother's hands and moved us to the city,' the stocky brunette told him. 'But it wasn't that long ago that I don't remember how things work.

'Course, we had horses and cows instead of goats.'

'Well, I'm hoping to get some cows soon,' he told her cryptically. 'Meanwhile, my goats have to be tended regularly, since they are my….cash crop, as it were.'

'Well, we can sure do that,' Angie told him and Sally as she nodded at her.

'And I can cook, if you need help in the house,' Sherry told him. 'I admit I don't know much about farms, but I can cook and clean like nobody's business.'

'She can,' Sally murmured as she tried not to meet her uncle's cold gaze.

'Well, it's been a while since I had a reg'lar housekeeper. Okay. You can stay.

'I assume you can do something to help around here, too,' he demanded of the redhead.

Beth grinned. 'I can do whatever needs doing,' the woman boasted as she put on her best innocent girl look.

'We'll see. I might just be able to fit you in,' he told them with a wry smile. 'Meanwhile, put your car into the garage,' he told them. 'We're expecting a storm tonight, and hail out here can do a lot of damage to toys like yours.'

'Toys,' Beth protested as they walked out to look at the convertible she had driven down from the city. 'That's a eighty-thousand dollar Lexus. Not a toy.'

'Hmmph,' was James' only response as he went back to the tractor to start the machine up to head back to the hayfields.

'That's Uncle James' way of saying….get to work,' Sally smiled anxiously as she looked at her friends, not altogether sure she liked the fact he had suddenly changed his mind about letting them stay. Because if he knew about the satyr, and what was happening to her, then he must be planning…..

She wanted to warn them. To make them leave as her suspicions swelled in her heart, but she couldn't seem to say a word. Just as she had been unable to speak of her first encounter, now she was unable to even try to warn her friends they might be in some kind of danger. She could only hope her uncle just didn't want to make them too suspicious, and was simply holding off whatever he had planned for her until they left.

Even she sensed that was a foolish hope.


Just over two weeks later, after not seeing a trace of her lover in all that time, she found Angie in the bathroom, crying, as she tried to hide her face while sitting wrapped in a towel on the edge of the tub.

'Angie,' she said, and without saying anything else, she simply pulled off her hat, and brushed back her bangs.

The brunette turned to gape at her, and swallowed hard as she raised her own darker bangs to show the smaller nubs of thick horns that were growing out from her own skull.

'What….What is going on,' she asked.

'I don't know. It has something to do with my uncle. But…..'

And then she realized she was speaking to Angie after over a week of ducking her, and silent entreaties. Suddenly, she could speak freely with the girl, and she realized it must have to do with the fact she was now becoming….well, whatever she was becoming.

'I don't like this,' Angie murmured. 'It's scaring the hell out of me. Yet….I can't seem to….' 'Stop? I know. I've spent the last two weeks practically getting screwed every hour. When you showed up, he left me, and I have to admit….I'm envious of you.

'I wanted to warn you, too, but….'

'I couldn't say anything either. Not since that first time when I thought I first saw it. How come we can talk about it now,' Angie sniffed as she let her towel drop, and with it, her modesty.

Sally swallowed as she saw the thick, ropey tail that was growing from her round, ample ass. An ass now thickly covered in dark fur, and starting to grow up and down her body from the thick patch already covering her groin.

'We're turning into animals, aren't we,' she sniffed as her tail, much like her own, Sally realized, suddenly reminded her of one animal in particular.

'Yeah,' she nodded. 'I think…I think we're going to be….cows,' she rasped, her voice thick, and felt a shudder as she suddenly realized her own legs had been getting pretty hair of late. Though not so much as Angie's already were.

'Have you noticed if….the others….?' 'I haven't been able to talk to any of them lately. We're kept so busy, and I don't know about them, but I'm so tired after supper all I want to do is sleep. Still, I think they must not be.…changing yet,' Sally told her with a sigh as they heard a knock on the door.

'You girls get back to the barn,' James' voice ordered. 'There's still work to be done today.'

'He's doing this, isn't he,' Angie said as she felt the urge to obey swell in her body.

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'Yeah, but I don't know how. He seems to command the beast-man, but I don't think the little guy likes it. Only he can't do anything either.'

Angie was starting to cry again when the door simply burst in on them, and Sally gaped at James as he eyed Angie as if she were already an animal he were assessing.

'Good,' he said, eyeing her. 'At least that little freak isn't wasting time with you. Now, get to the barn. I have a spot all ready for you, gal,' he grinned without mirth.

'Don't worry,' he told Sally as she gaped at him as Angie padded past him completely naked without ever speaking a word. 'Your turn is coming soon. Once your little friends are all dealt with, we'll finish you up, too.'

'You can't get away with this,' Sally rasped.

James snorted. 'That's what the others said, too. Right before my new nannies starting making me money.'

Sally stared at him in horror as she realized what he was saying.

'How….How can you do this?'

'Easy. I found the old satyr imprisoned in stone on my farm. When I freed it, it put him in my power. He has to do what I say, or it's back to his stone prison that held him for so long.'

'And what about the innocent people you're hurting,' she demanded.

He laughed coldly. 'You think anyone cares about a few hitchhikers, or runaways.'

'I'm not a runaway,' she wanted to screech at him.

'You will be. Your friends have given me the perfect alibi since they showed up. Once you're all filling the barn, I'll just get rid of your friend's car, and make it look like you took off. Girls like you disappear all the time, so no one will think it odd when you don't show back up.'

'I'm your own family,' she moaned anxiously as he gestured for her to leave the bathroom, and she did. Apparently, even a signal from him was enough to command her now.

'So? You think Pete and I were ever close? We hated each other growing up. He only dropped you off here to piss me off. That, and he always was a selfish bastard. He didn't want no rug rat interfering with his vacation.

'Well, I'm doing him a favor giving you a more useful role in life,' he laughed as he followed her down the steps. 'I might even send him some of your milk.'

'Lunch will be done in a little bit, James,' Sherry's singsong voice called out as they passed the kitchen. She was just distant enough that the girl didn't see Sally's now exposed horns and ears since she had left her hat in the bathroom.

'To the barn, bitch,' James hissed at her as Sally hesitated. 'Or should I say heifer,' he chortled darkly.

'I want you to see what is going to happen to you. And all your friends, since you so stupidly invited them here.'

'I didn't invite them,' she moaned. 'They only showed up because they like me. We are friends.'

James snorted. 'Well, you'll have lots of time to spend with one another once I'm done.

'And I'm going to let you see what happens next. Inside,' he spat, and she preceded him into the barn to find Angie on all fours, lowing miserably now as if her voice were already lost as hooves replaced her hands and feet before her eyes.

'You see,' James snickered as the satyr turned to face them with a miserable expression even as he continued rutting atop the stocky teen's transforming body.

'Now, for the final phase,' he grinned, and went to one of the stalls, and lifted a heavy collar with a brass bell attached.

'From now on, heifer,' he told Angie, 'You are Daisy,' he said, and slid the collar over her head, settling it around her throat.

Angie's voice issued a husky, miserable lowing even as she began to glow, and by the time Sally could see through the glaring light again, Angie and the satyr were gone, and a small, dark cow with overly bright eyes stood in their place.

'Angie,' she moaned, staring at the cow that turned to look at her with dark, empty eyes.

'Angie's gone, heifer. All that's left is my first cow. And after my pet satyr mounts her once more, she'll start breeding my herd, as well as adding production to my dairy.'

Then James turned, and sneered as he told her, 'I want you to get that big-titted redhead out here to help you brand her,' he commanded her. 'She can start helping in the barn now that Daisy is here, and will be needing milked soon enough,' he mocked her as she stood there weeping as he gestured, and the heifer he had made of her friend walked placidly into the first stall where she was secured.

'Don't forget to tag her ear, too,' he said. 'The tags are there on the wall,' he pointed.

Sally felt a knot of emotion fill her as she watched her cruel uncle walk out of the barn, leaving her with a grim view of her future.


'That was kind of weird, actually branding a cow,' Beth told her as they sat at the table sharing dessert after their uncle had left. He never ate dessert. Why, she didn't know.

He didn't seem to drink milk either, and it was confusing, since he was in the dairy business. Sherry chattered on about her own day, and the things she heard on the radio, and oddly, no one seemed to miss Angie at all. It was as if she didn't even exist. But how could they just forget one of their best friends?

Part of the magic, she supposed, as she realized Beth was next, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

'Well, it's just another part of the job,' she told Beth who was going on about how the cow had sounded almost human the way she bellowed when the hot iron had burned into her hair and flesh.

'I heard they don't really feel pain. Not much,' Sherry told them. 'I heard it's just they're scared at how they're being treated, and their fear of fire, and all.'

Sally knew they'd be finding out soon enough.

She wanted to weep, but there was nothing she could do to stop this. And Beth was going on about how excited she was about helping with the livestock now instead of just helping clean the house that was already usually Spartan.

Which made Sally wonder only then, how that was so when Uncle James never did anything but work in the fields.

She frowned as she tried to think how that applied.

He only worked the fields. He never cleaned the house, but it was always clean even before her friends had shown up. He never seemed to cook, yet even before Sherry's arrival, there was always food on the table, and it was always hot and fresh.

Something weird was definitely going on here beyond what her uncle had told her, or allowed her to learn.

Allowed her to learn.

Just enough to unnerve, and shake her. Enough to depress her, and send her deeper into despair.

Sally stared at her friends, and wondered if that had not been the point all along.

Keep her depressed, and distracted, so she wouldn't notice…..what?

'Well, I think it's going to be fun all the same,' Beth said as she helped Sherry gather the last of the dishes to load into the sinks to be washed. By hand, of course, James did not have a dishwasher.

Yet, she now realized, the dishes were always washed, and put away before Sherry had arrived.

It seemed she had missed seeing a great deal around here before now.

It was time, she realized, to open her eyes, or she might just end up in the barn like Uncle James had claimed.

Two weeks later, Beth was gone, and another cow was in the barn. An auburn-coated heifer that would soon be joining Angie in filling the larger containers of milk since the satyr had wasted little time in breeding her, too. She wondered what her uncle would do now, since Sherry rarely came out to the barn, but she soon learned.

She had gone into the house for lunch only to hear something in the kitchen, and crept to the house to find the satyr atop Sherry's thin body, riding her as she willingly met every thrust of the small man-beast that clutched at her slender hips. She stood watching Sherry as she cried out in voiceless delight, and actually urged her lover on as she felt that rush of envy and arousal in her body that had been feeling neglected since her apparent abandonment.

'Oh. Oh, Sally,' she moaned as she looked up at her just then. 'You have to try Pym. He's simply wonderful,' she told her.

'Pym,' she echoed, and frowned at the pair. Sherry showed no signs of changing, but she was obviously being well fucked by the little satyr. This must be her first time, she realized.

'Pym,' Sherry giggled. 'Oh, don't tell me you didn't know his name,' Sherry asked coyly.

'I….I didn't understand….

'Wait, you can understand him,' she asked in amazement.

'Well, of course,' Sherry grinned, and the bright smile made her think of sunlit fields, and trackless forests of a sudden.

'What do you mean, of course? I can't understand him…..'

'Ah, maybe you just haven't listened,' Sherry taunted as she rose, her thighs strangely showing no sign of having just been plowed by the burly little creature.

'You don't understand…..My uncle….'

'Pym told me everything. He wished he knew it was me all along, for he would have come to me sooner had he but known.

'Still, he has come now,' she grinned at her double entendre, and if you wish to be rid of your uncle's evil, and free all of your friends, you must do one simple thing.'

'What,' she asked, too desperate just then for any hope to question Sherry's odd behavior, and knowing ways.

'Get him to drink milk from any of the animal's here on the farm.'

'But…he doesn't drink milk.'

'Well, there is milk, and there is milk, silly child,' the teenager called her. 'Think, for only you can break the hold your uncle has on Pym. Unless you want to be a cow?' 'No,' she moaned, and almost imagined the sound was very close to the lowing she often heard from Angie and Beth. Or Daisy and Rose, as James called them now.

'Then think of how to give him milk from the transformed creatures here on his farm,' she told him.

Sally nodded, and Sherry, to her utter astonishment, vanished right alongside Pym.

She stood staring there at the spot where they had been, and felt her jaw drop. She had to do something. Plan something. Or she was going to end up in that barn. She just knew she was. And then no one would be able to help her friends, or her. Even her parents would think she had just run off, for hadn't she threatened to do just that before they dropped her off 'at the end of the world,' as she had called Uncle James' farm at the start of summer.

But what could she do?

He would be wary of anything made of milk. He even made sure all his food was free of any milk. And then she had a thought. If it worked. It only it worked.


'How did you make that,' James asked as he eyed the cake sitting on the table she cut for herself alone.

'From one of the mixes in the cabinet,' she told him. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to notice Sherry was missing, and said noting about her. 'All I had to do was add water.'

'And the frosting,' he asked, eyeing the dark confection.

'It was a ready-made,' she sighed. 'You just open it, and spread. Do you want a piece,' she asked blandly.

'Just a small one,' he finally said, and she nodded as she cut a small piece for him to set on a saucer.

'Do you want milk with it?' 'No,' he almost shouted. 'Just…get me one of my cappuccinos,' he told her, referring to the bottled drinks he kept stocked in the icebox.

'Okay. Can I have one,' she asked.

'Drink your milk,' he snorted. 'And enjoy tonight. Tomorrow may be your turn to start making it yourself,' he cackled as he started to take a bite of the cake, and saw she was watching him.

'What,' he demanded.

'I was just wondering if you liked it,' she said.

'You little bitch. Did you lie to me,' he demanded as he pushed the cake away, taking a gulp of his drink after unscrewing the lid. 'Did you use milk to make that?' 'No, uncle,' she told him. 'It's one you use water to mix. Water, and eggs, anyway, that's all.'

'I think you're lying,' he spat, and shoved the saucer even farther from him as he stood up. 'Well, too bad, bitch. I'm smarter than you think,' he spat. 'And you're going to the barn at dawn. So enjoy your last night in the house,' he roared as he grabbed another of his drinks to stalk out of the kitchen.

She stared at the cake, and sighed. Then finished her own dessert before putting the dishes in the sink.

She already knew the magic around her would clean them, and put them away. She had tested it earlier, and learned just what was going on. All she had to do was set the fixings on the counter, and leave, and when she returned a meal would be there on the stove, hot, and ready to eat. If she left dishes in the sink, and returned later, they would be clean, and put away.

The same magic must keep the place spotless, which told her now that Uncle James had not been going into her room making her bed after all.

Was it because of Pym? Or something else.

She didn't know, but she had to come up with a way to end his madness, or her uncle would keep on destroying lives long after she was….ugh….hamburger. That had been the fate she had been promised earlier that day when she had screwed up something he wanted done.

'Cows aren't just for milking, you know, bitch,' he had roared at her, and made that dreadful gesture across his own throat.

That motivated her as much as anything.


Satyr Felwood

'Time to tend the milking,' James told her the next morning as she woke to find him standing in the door of her room, leering at her naked body.

As her changes continued, albeit slower since Pym's disappearance with Sherry, she found it easier to go naked when she could. Her feet were still feet, but from her hips down, her body was covered in dark golden fur now. A trail of the same dark hair was starting to rise up from her groin, creating a streak of thick hair that ended just below her bellybutton.

She knew she didn't' have long now, and now, it looked like it was too late.

She moaned in misery, all other plans lost as she stared at him.


'C'mon,' he ordered her, and she felt her body surge upwards, and climb out of the bed at his command.

'You don't need clothes,' he sneered as she reached for her jeans. 'You won't need them ever again,' he mocked as he stood back to let her pass him. He swatted her backside as she passed, and cringed at his mocking chortle as he flowed her to the barn.

'I'm going to enjoy branding you, heifer. And I'm going to enjoy telling little Petey how his girl ran off with her two friends, and disappeared.'

'Two,' she thought to herself. But there had been three! Didn't he remember Sherry himself?

'Inside,' he ordered her as he opened the barn door, and all but shoved her to her knees before the third stall in the waiting line.

She wailed, and tried to rise, but in the same instant, she felt the satyr atop her, making an odd nickering sound as he tugged at her tail, and thrust his hard phallus into her waiting pussy with almost insane urgency.

'Now,' James spat. 'Finish her, you brute. Finish her, and let her join the others. I want her joining my new herd today. Today,' James shouted as Sally felt a odd rush of fire and ice coursing through her veins as her body seemed to stretch and pull in odd directions all at once.

She stretched her head back, feeling the pull of pleasure and pain at once as the battling sensations in her aroused body warred for supremacy. She saw Uncle James approaching with a belled collar, and felt her stomach sink heavily as her heart thudded painfully in her chest.

Even as his hands stretched out toward her, holding that damning collar, she felt herself suddenly rise high up above him, her voice a shrieking protest as her body kept rising, and then she felt her legs slam down to strike the hard earth before him even though she knew her feet were firmly planted farther back.

She stared down at herself in amazement, and saw two equine limbs that lifted her high from the ground, and glanced back to see a large, horse like body stretching out behind her.

Her tail swished, and she saw it was a horse's tail, not a cow's.

Looking back down at Uncle James, who suddenly seemed quite small to her from her new height, she gave a shrill, neighing laugh as she flexed her still human arms of her still human torso atop her mare's body.

'I'm….no…..cow,' she trilled at him, her voice half human, half neighing as if both natures warred for supremacy within her mind now, as the pleasure and pain of her change had warred earlier.

Pym, she noted, had disappeared, and James was gaping at her stupidly as he simply held the belled collar in his hands as if forgetting it was there.

'This is impossible,' he shouted abruptly, feeling his hands rise as he began to settle the collar around his own neck. 'This is impossible,' he screamed again, and the scream turned into a painful lowing bawl as he dropped to all fours, bursting out of his own clothes as he suddenly, and completely became a cow. Not a bull, Sally noted smugly, but a cow. Udders and all.

In the very instant the new animal shook its broad head in confusion, Pym appeared standing before her with a very satisfied smile that had to be considered smug, as a much transformed Sherry stood beside him.

Not that she was bestial in form now.

Far from it.

The teenage girl she remembered was now a mature, and very beautiful woman with long, black hair curling around her shoulders, as a startlingly white robe covered her slender, but very feminine frame. 'That was quite clever, little one,' Sherry said as she stepped forward to lay a hand on her cheek without seeming to stretch.

The touch was like warm silk, and just as comforting. Oddly enough, she didn't mind this shape she had been given, and felt quite comfortable.

She smiled down at the woman, and the little satyr, who leered smugly up at her, his rod still thick, and dripping as if anticipating a new lover.

'Yes, yes. Go, and claim your new cow, my friend. You have that right.'

Pym was atop the surprised animal that had been her Uncle Jack before the beast could even think of protesting. For all the good her miserable lowing did. The satyr suddenly grew to Herculean proportions as he drove his thick shaft into the animal's fertile womb, filling it full of his fertile seed.

Sally wasn't sure how she knew Jack, or Jackie was already fertile, but she sensed it all the same. And she did not doubt it as Pym roared his bestial delight in the coupling that she knew sealed his former master in her new form for the rest of her life. Such as it would be.

Sensing Jack was now trapped so made her realize her friends were similarly trapped, though, and her brief bout of ecstasy with what had transpired faded as she looked over at the two cows that had been her friends.

'Yes, my sweet,' Sherry told her as she continued to stroke her in a surprisingly intimate fashion for all the casualness of her touch. 'I am afraid your friends are also bound in their new bodies. The magic Pym embodies is potent, but it has its rules.' She sighed, and dropped her head. 'I wanted to save them,' she murmured, barely aware of her mingling of human and equine speech now.

'I know. But you did spare them a more miserable existence that the one I can offer you all on my island.'

'I don't understand,' she frowned.

'Of course not,' Sherry laughed lightly as she watched Pym breed Jackie. 'But I can explain.

'You see, my name is Circe.'

'The Greek witch,' she gasped.

'Ah, sometimes fame can be cruel,' the woman chuckled. 'I am, but the stories, I assure you, are not kind to the truth of my existence.

'I actually aided that wretched fellow you call Odysseus in your myths, and he repaid me by ravaging my priestesses, slaughtering many of my friends, and pets, and even robbing my temple.

'What truly angered me, however, was when his vile priest sealed my Pym in a tower of stone far from me because I would not consent to be his mistress. I couldn't even find him to free him, for the spells put upon the stone kept me from tracing him.

'Uncle Jack said he found him in….'

'In stone. Yes.

'I searched for Pym, whom you might guess is my own lover, for generations. Always in vain. Until a passing prophet gave me a clue, and so I attached myself to you, Sally. You, the prophet told me, would lead me back to my lover, and be the key to his freedom.

'I wasn't sure how you were to fulfill this prophecy, until I saw the ensorcelled girls in Jacks' barn. I knew then what was going on, and that Pym was still under a spell.

'One that would keep him bound until Jack tasted the milk of his own victims, and broke the spell that kept him bound to your uncle. Brute that he was.'

Sally smiled ruefully. 'Well, I guessed he would be suspicious of anything with milk, unless it were something he himself felt safe. Knowing his fondness for those bottle drinks, I simply opened them up, laced every bottle with milk, and then sealed them to look as if they had not been opened.

'Which wasn't easy.'

'No, but it was clever. And it spared you a worse fate. By allowing Pym to change you as he wished, he broke your uncle's spell, and the spell on him, reclaiming his freedom for all time.'

'But….if everyone is stuck….anyway….? 'They will go to my island, my dear child,' she told Sally. 'To live out their lives in peace, far from the cruelty of men who would exploit, or abuse them.'

'And….me,' she asked anxiously.

'I fear, as the seal-breaker, you are no less bound in your new form, which Pym granted you as one more suiting your spirit,' Circe told her.

'But fear not, I can promise you a fine, and enjoyable life upon my island.'

'And….my family?' 'The moment we depart, it will be as if none of you ever lived in this world. They will not miss what they never knew,' Sally was assured.

'Well, I certainly can't go home like this,' she sighed. 'But….But what about Angie, and Beth. And….the others.

'Do they know what's happened to them? Jack said they didn't, but…..'

'Their minds are still aware,' Circe nodded. 'But I can either put their conscience mind to sleep, letting the beast within rule, or leave them as they are, whichever you think is kinder.'

'I think….that's up to them,' she told the immortal witch.

'A fine answer,' Pym said to her, and this time, she understood him completely. 'The answer of a truly compassionate heart.'

'Very true.

'Pym, gather the girls. We shall go to the island now.

'Jack,' she snorted in disdain, 'We leave here to be found by men like himself. Let him live the life he would have cursed others with out of greed. I will not have his kind upon my island,' she spat.

Sally didn't argue as Angie and Beth, freed of their stalls, and collars, came and rubbed their broad heads against either side of her large body in an open display of affection.

She started to weep, and stroked them gently, wishing there was some way to do more for them. But Circe had spoken truthfully. She somehow sensed it, and there was nothing more to be done save to ensure their lives were at least happier than they would have been.

They left the single cow in her stall, with plenty of feed and water, of course, Pym wasn't willfully the cruel kind, and then joined the nannies all bleating excitedly in the meadow beyond the barn where they had gathered. Sally stood to one side, her friends with her, as Pym and Circe smiled at them just before he began to glow brightly in the dawn light.

When the light faded this time, they were standing on a lush, green meadow that smelled of clean air, and ripe grasses. She could smell salt in the air, too, and the faint scents of something like fruit. 'Welcome to my island, my children,' Circe called them. 'Here you shall all be safe, and may live out your lives in comfort.

'We do not eat meat, though we may ask the use of your milk, she smiled. 'Save when you are feeding your own young.

'Do not fear predators. There are none here. The island is now your home, and perfectly suited to your lifestyles. Go, and enjoy,' Circe bid them all, and the goats scattered at once, not one of them hesitating.

Sally stood there unmoving, starting to look to her friends, only to find they, too, had moved off with other cows already on the island, and were already out of sight.

'Do not look so sad, my dear. You are not alone,' she was told as a distant horn trumpeted in the forest beyond the wide meadow. 'Do you hear? You have your own kind to call family now. Go, and do not worry. My temple is easy to find, and I am always ready to hear your needs, do you wish to speak to me,' she said as she vanished just before Pym, who smiled, and winked at her before he disappeared, too.

Sally heard the trumpet again, and looked up as she realized it was closer than ever. She trotted toward the forest even as they came into view. Centaurs. Male and female. Over twenty of them, she realized, all following the lead stallion who was a huge, black-haired Adonis who filled her senses with his being.

He carried a golden trumpet at his side, and a bow slung across his broad back. 'Tis but for show, and games of skill,' the stallion laughed as if reading her alarm at that weapon. 'But tell me, little mare, who are you, and whence came you?' 'I….I'm Sally,' she murmured, lost in the stallion's utterly black eyes. 'I'm….from America.'

'America,' the manbeast bellowed loudly. 'I've heard of it, though you are the first from that land I have seen.

'Well, Sally of America, welcome to our island. Come. Join us, and we shall tell you of ancient races, and the heroes who ran them,' the stallion grinned as he held out a hand toward her.

She trotted after him without hesitation.

'She'll be breeding by season's end,' Pym cackled as he and Circe watched from a distance.

'A fine reward for the little child who saved you, my dear husband,' she smiled down at him.

'I won't argue. The centaurs needed fresh blood, I noted, when I returned to this world.'

'And your former master?' 'Is slated for the market,' Pym told her grimly. 'The meat market.'

'I cannot say he does not deserve it. Mayhap his next life will be spent more wisely.'

'Who can say,' Pym smirked.

'Indeed, who can say,' Circe agreed, and walked with Pym back toward her temple home.


Jack wanted to scream as 'she' was herded expertly down the chute he recognized all too well. S/He thought becoming an animal would destroy your mind. Make you animal in mind, and body. He was wrong. He was still fully aware of himself, or now, herself, and for several days he had moped in the musty barn that had lost the enchantment keeping his farm clean, and prosperous.

His brother had finally showed up, supposedly to check on him, for neither Pete, nor his unctuous bride seemed concerned about a missing daughter. They made sympathetic noises over the 'abandoned' animal, and damned him as a fool, and worse. Then he was sold to some man who put him out to pasture, fattening him up before he finally delivered the calf that Pym, the little bastard satyr, had put in his belly.

Only the man that had bought him wasn't satisfied with the calf. He sold Jack again. This time to someone that put him in a cramped pen with dozens of other animals. They were fed sour grain, and given fetid water. Jack was as miserable as he could ever recall being in either life.

When they started to push them toward a narrow chute, something familiar about it worried him. By the time his mind recalled what the chute was, and what it was used for, he was already being herded through it, and he bawled, and bucked, trying in vain to escape what lay at the end. Terror filled him, and the animal took complete control as he struggled madly to turn away from the death he could now virtually taste awaiting him at the end of the chute.

The men poked and prodded him, their efforts borne of long practice, and sent him through the chute all the same. By the time the heavy hammer slammed down into his cranium, shattering his thick skull, and sending him sprawling to his knees, he almost whimpered in relief. A second blow drove him past his knees, into dark oblivion.

He stayed there for a very long time, feeling nothing. Knowing nothing.

Until a sudden burst of light exploded all around him, and he screamed in fear as he realized he was going to suffer more after all. The fear and panic blanked his mind, and then Jack simply knew nothing at all.


'Isn't she beautiful,' the nurse said as she held the squalling infant to its mother.

'She is,' the woman said as she held the child to her breast.

'What are you going to call her,' the doctor asked as he tended his patient in the wake of her long, difficult birth. This, he felt, was a baby that had seemed to not want to be born.

'I think I'll call her….Jacqueline,' the woman said as the baby lay there squirming, her wide, blue eyes studying her uncertainly.

'A beautiful name,' the doctor commented neutrally as he set the chart aside to recheck his patients.

'She'll be a big help on the farm,' her mother smiled as she stared at the baby that finally began to nurse from the nipple offered her. 'She's got big hands. She's sure to be a fine, healthy girl,' she predicted.

'I'm sure you're right,' the doctor agreed, showing little interest in the baby's future as he left her to the nurses after he was assured both mother and daughter were going to be fine despite the difficult birth. He had other patients to see, after all.
