Sainsburys Sick Policy 2019

Leave Policy

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  • Workers at Sainbury's Waltham Point distribution centre in Essex took a second 24-hour strike against cuts to sick pay on 25 July. The members of shop workers' union Usdaw also walked out on 27 June after Sainsbury's announced changes to sickness policy.
  • Sainsbury's staff at a distribution centre in Essex are continuing their ongoing strike action against management attempts to impose a new sick-leave policy. After years of negotiations aimed at reducing the current safeguards for staff when they are sick, Sainsbury's management ordered each member of staff to sign a new contract.
  1. Objective & Scope

This Policy shall define the Leaves entitlement and shall cover rules & regulations regarding leaves, and shall be applicable to all the Permanent Employees.

  • Types & Number of Leaves
  • Encashment
  • All types of leaves will be en-cashable at the end of years if not availed OR while leaving the Company. However the company may ask any employee to avail his balance leaves during OR at the end of year instead of the encashment of leaves.

    Entitlement of Sick leave / Casual Leaves & Annual Leaves
    Sainsburys sick policy 2019 india

    Sick leave & Casual Leaves on pro-rata basis. The annual leaves shall be entitled after completion of one year service.

    Leave Rules

    The following leave rules for employees shall be followed while availing the leaves.

    Prior Approval in case of Planned Activity

    The employee who wants to avail leave/short leave shall apply leave/Short leave on leave/short leave application form well in time in case of planned activity and get prior approval before proceeding on leave. Some examples of planned activities are elaborated for better understanding i.e. to attend the marriage/other Ceremonies, Exams, to visit the Government offices, visit out of city, Medical Test/check up etc. Such leave application can be moved when you come to know about the activity/occasion date for which you have to avail leave.

    No Split Applications:

    Secondly, employee should apply for leave in one go wherein include your expected leave days as well instead of splitting the leave period into two parts for example got approval for 04 days but availed 06 days and later on apply for approval of remaining two days leaves.

    In case of availing Leave in emergency

    Employees should inform to the Company regarding his casual leaves and later on supposed to submit their approved leave application in HR Department on very next day. No Late leave applications shall be entertained.

    Submission of Leave application is Mandatory

    In case of non-submission and / or non approval of leave application, the employee shall be marked absent and 1.5 days salary amount shall be deducted from his salary irrespective of leaves are in Balance. No automatically leave adjustment shall be made by H.R against the absent days.

    Elaborate the reason for Leave/short leave

    Please elaborate the reason for leave/short leave clearly on leave application form for taking easy & quick decision by approving authority.

    No Late leave applications shall be entertained after 2 days.

    Short Leaves (Rules for Office staff)

    In case of any serious justified problem, you can leave premises with the prior permission of person in charge/concerned & approval authority on Leave / Short Leave application form. If you are leaving your work without permission and approval as prescribe above, it will be considered misconduct on your part and action may be taken against you accordingly. All employees are bound to follow the rules for short leave.

    Accumulated Short leaves shall be adjusted against Leave balance of casual and earned leave respectively as per following criteria and in case of leave balance is Nil then the deductions shall be made from salary accordingly. No Short leaves are exempted in a month.

    • The maximum duration of a short leave shall be Two (2) hours.
    • Short leave between 02 hours to 04 hours shall be considered as HALF DAY.
    • More than 04 Hours leave shall be considered asFULL DAY.

    Leave With Out Pay

    If an employee has no leave in his credit and the Management has sole discretion to grant leave without pay .In such case although deduction shall be made from his salary but employee will not be considered absent but on Leave without pay.


    Sainsburys Sick Policy 2019 2020

    • The employee will be considered absent when he will have no leave in his credit and fails to attend his duty.
    • In second case, if an employee avails unauthorized leave and his leave application is not approved by the Management.

    Sainsburys Sick Pay Policy 2019

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    Sainsburys Sick Policy 2019 2018