Info The User Does Not Have Rsop Data

Note This problem also occurs when the password of a user account is reset. When a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller authenticates the user account, the domain controller reads this encryption type information from the data structure that is used by the Windows Server 2003 domain controller. It should then copy this encryption type. Data do not have to be deleted. Your company/organisation runs an online newspaper. One of your journalists publishes a story on how a politician had laundered money in off-shore banks. The politician requests to remove the story because his personal data is being processed. If you elevate with an admin account different to the currently logged in user (common if the user does not have administrator rights), then you will receive an error message stating INFO: The user “domain user” does not have RSOP data. This is because GPResult is using the elevated user’s context. If you’re not a Facebook user, though, the data is less valuable. That’s because Facebook doesn’t sell targeted ads based on that browsing history like it does if you’re a registered user.

Info The User Domain Username Does Not Have Rsop Data

Info The User Does Not Have Rsop Data


[H]F Junkie
When doing a 'gpupdate', this is what happens:Info the user domain administrator does not have rsop data
Updating policy...
Computer policy could not be updated successfully. The following errors were encountered:
The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the file company.localSysVolcompany.localPolicies{98D407C7-829A-4E34-91CF-9FDB0781A4BC}gpt.ini from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings may not be applied until this event is resolved. This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller.
b) File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).
c) The Distributed File System (DFS) client has been disabled.
User Policy could not be updated successfully. The following errors were encountered:
The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the file company.localSysVolcompany.localPolicies{98D407C7-829A-4E34-91CF-9FDB0781A4BC}gpt.ini from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings may not be applied until this event is resolved. This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller.
b) File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).
c) The Distributed File System (DFS) client has been disabled.
To diagnose the failure, review the event log or run GPRESULT /H GPReport.html from the command line to access information about Group Policy results.

When doing a 'gpresult /R' or 'gpresult /H blah123.html', this is what happens:

I don't know what changed on the network or in GPOs to do this, but I have no doubt some consultant (whom I don't even know of, working through a consultant co-worker) did something. Last week gpresult was working fine, this week it has been giving the above. Any ideas?
I have noticed that as of the beginning of this week, when I login as any user, their profile from no longer gets copied to C:Users%username% -- no Desktop, Favorites, Documents, etc. All it has now is like 3 folders (Link, Searches, and something else). Does this sound like caching got turned off? can't I download this file?

Applicable Products

  • XenDesktop
  • XenApp 6.5


Created Date: October 24th, 2012

Version: 1.0


CtxCseUtil is a tool that can generate resultant set of policy (RSOP) report (per computer, per user or both) for Citrix policies on a device that has the Group Policy Management Console installed.


The following items must be in place for CtxCseUtil to function properly:

  • Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service must be enabled and started
  • CtxCseUtil can be used to generate a report on the local device or from a remote device, either way you’ll need the files attached to this article for CtxCseUtil (Note: Some hotfixes do install this tool as well, for example GPMx170WX64003 will add this tool as well)
  • You need to run CtxCseUtil with an account that has domain administrator privileges.
  • To run CtxCseUtil.exe on XenApp 6.0 servers, you need to have GPCSExt100W2K8R2X64003 installed as well.
  • On XD 7.6, and possibly above, the CtxCseUtil needs to be run from within a session and the logon user for that session needs to be specified using the /u parameter. If not a general WINRM error is generated.
  • Note: If you are running a report remotely, WinRM must be enabled on both the source device (where CtxCseUtil is being run from) and the target device (were the RSOP data is at)

Installing CtxCseUtil.exe

To install CtxCseUtil:

    • Take the attached zip file in this article and copy it to the device you wish to run it from

    • Extract the zip file on the device

    • You should see CtxCseUtil.exe and the dependent files in the folder

How to Use CtxCseUtil.exe

Once CtxCseUtil is installed, here’s how you run it:

    • Get to a cmd prompt

    • Change into the directory where CtxCseUtil.exe is installed

    • Issue the appropriate commands based on what type of report you are trying to generate

Usages details for CtxCseUtil.exe:

CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop [/o(u|c)] [/u user] [/c ComputerName] [/f filename] [/q] [/dbg]

    • /rsop Generate the RSOP Report for Citrix policies.

    • /o(u|c) Generate only the computer report or only the user report. By default, both are generated.

    • /u Specify the target user. The default is the active user.

    • /c Specify the target computer [IP Address/MachineName]. The default is the local computer.

    • /f Specify a file name for the report. The default is CitrixRsopResult.html.

    • /q Specify if you want to run in Quiet Mode. By default, Quiet Mode is off.

    • /dbg Enable debugging output for the execution of the command.

When issuing commands with CtxCseUtil.exe, is has the following return values:

    • ERRORLEVEL 0 if successful

    • Greater than 0 if an error occurred


CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /ou
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /u user1 /c remotecomputer1
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /u user1 /f Test1_user1_121024.html /q
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /ou /u user1
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /oc /c remotecomputer1
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /u user1 /c remotecomputer1 /dbg
CtxCseUtil.exe /rsop /dbg

Note: By default, the resultant RSOP report will be called CitrixRsopResult.html and in the same folder as CtxCseUtil.exe. However, you can override the report name using the /f switch.


Optional step: In some cases, it’s possible that recent GPO results may not be gathered due to policy modification updates. It’s advised to run gpupdate /force for the user before running the command.

Security Permissions Required by CtxCseUtil.exe

The account being used to run CtxCseUtil.exe needs to have domain administrative privileges in order to run properly.

Uninstalling CtxCseUtil.exe

If you extracted the attached zip file to install CtxCseUtil.exe, you can remove the tool by deleting the folder where CtxCseUtil.exe is located.

NOTE: Some Citrix hotfixes install CtxCseUtil.exe as well, do not remove any folders where CtxCseUtil.exe is at if installed via a hotfix (e.g. C:Program FilesCitrixGroup PolicyManagement),.

Additional Information

Contact Information

Questions? Concerns? Send any feedback for this tool to


Info The User Does Not Have Rsop Data Gpresult


Info The User Does Not Have Rsop Data Analyst

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