Configuring Sublime Text For Python 3

  • Now, its time to setup the layout of the Sublme Text window. Steps: Open all the files we created in last step, i.e example.cpp, input.txt, output.txt. Now, in menu bar, select View - Layout - Columns: 3. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+3. As a result, window will get partitioned into 3 columns.
  • Configuring Sublime Text. If you use the command python to launch a Python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8 session, Sublime Text should work by default. But if you use a command like python3 you’ll need to tell Sublime Text to use this command as well. Open Sublime Text, and go to Tools Build System New Build System. This will open a new configuration file.
  • Configuring Sublime Text 3. Some days ago I stumbled across this website, which checks if your installed Sublime plugins are compatible with Sublime Text 3. As all of mine were already compatible I made the switch. Nevertheless I had to spend some time migrating, because there are some differences in setting up Sublime’s snippets.

Officially get the code for installing Package Control from Sublime Text 3. Click View Show Console (shortcut key Ctrl + `) to open the console. Paste the official code in the console and click Enter.

Checking your current version of Python

Python is installed by default on most modern Linux systems, so let’s see what you have installed. Open a terminal and issue the following command:

You might see something different, such as Python 2.7.15. If that’s the case, try the same command using python3:

You’ll need Python 3.6 or higher to follow along with the book. If you see a version earlier than Python 3.6, or if you see an error message, it’s fairly straightforward to install a newer version of Python.

Configuring Sublime Text For Python 3

Installing Python 3.7

The following will work for apt-based systems. We’ll install a package called deadsnakes, which you can use to install just about any version of Python that’s been released, and you can install as many versions as you like.

Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

This should install Python 3.7 on your system, and you can start a Python session with the command python3.7:

Installing Sublime Text

On Ubuntu-based systems, you can install Sublime Text through the Ubuntu Software Center. Click the Ubuntu Software icon in your menu, and search for Sublime Text. Click to install it.

Configuring Sublime Text For Python 3

Configuring Sublime Text

Sublime Text 3 Python Ide

Configuring Sublime Text For Python 3

Sublime For Python 3

If you use the command python to launch a Python 3.6 or 3.7 session, Sublime Text should work by default. But if you use a command like python3 or python3.7, you’ll need to tell Sublime Text to use this command as well.

Open Sublime Text, and go to Tools > Build System > New Build System. This will open a new configuration file. Delete what you see, and enter the following:

Configure Sublime Text 3 For Python3

Save this file in the default location that Sublime Text suggests, with the name Python3.sublime-build. If you use the command python3.7, you should use that in the command shown here and save your file as Python3.7.sublime-build.

Running programs with Sublime Text

If the command python works on your system and you haven’t modified the build system as described above, you can click Tools > Build, or press Ctrl-B to run Python programs such as


Configuring Sublime Text For Python 3

If you made a new build system, click Tools > Build System and click the build system you created, such as Python3 or Python3.7. After you’ve done this once, you can then just click Tools > Build or press Ctrl-B to run any Python program.