Beyond Compare Program

In Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas*, 95% of young people don’t have access to after-school programs. We’re trying to change that. It’s during the hours after school lets out that our children are most vulnerable.

Instead of spending time on the streets, or going home to an empty apartment, beyond 3:30 gives students between the ages of 11 and 14 a safe and welcoming place for sports and physical fitness, a nutritious meal, and homework support each school day — opportunities that are out of reach for most families facing poverty issues. beyond 3:30 is offered free to all students.

Git config -global difftool.bc.path 'c:/program files/beyond compare 4/bcomp.exe' git config -global mergetool.bc.path 'c:/program files/beyond compare 4/bcomp.exe' You don’t need to do anything special to get directory diffs working on Windows. Git for Visual Studio. Visual Studio includes a builtin diff viewer that is pretty nice. This program is called 'Beyond Compare'. It is a directory compare utility and a file compare utility wrapped in one. Synchronize files between laptop and PC, home and office, etc. Compare directory trees side-by-side with mismatches highlighted. Display text files side-by-side with changes highlighted. Great for merging changes to source code. I have a piece of code where I am comparing two files using Beyond compare. String s = @'C: Program Files Beyond Compare 2 BC2.exe'; Process.Start(s, @'c: temp File1.txt c: temp File2.txt' ); Now i want to save the Compare report with a filename and at a locationon my desktop programatically. Beyond ( provides reliable business tools and services to small businesses with transparent pricing and fair contracts.

beyond 3:30 is unlike any other program of its kind. We operate right in schools, making it safe and easy for students to attend. There’s a big focus on nutrition, as well as sports and physical fitness. Our Junior Chefs’ Club is a big draw, and brings many new students to the program. And, with programs like the Financial Literacy Course, and with Homework Support, beyond 3:30 students not only become more prepared to succeed in high school, but also in life itself. Our homework staff are Teachers’ College graduates who liaise directly with daytime school staff to make sure children get the support they need.


Last year, 72% of beyond 3:30 students said they gained a much better understanding of nutrition and food preparation, 68% became much more physically active, and over 70% improved their grades.

The research can’t be ignored, and it proves it’s working. Our students are developing better social skills, increasing self-esteem, and learning important life skills while getting much needed physical activity and nutrition in a safe environment.

beyond 3:30 is now in 18 schools, and the children love it. We would like it to be in even more schools in the years to come. But to do this, we need your support.

* The City of Toronto has identified 31 neighbourhoods in Toronto for targeted investment and support. The lack of services facing many of Toronto’s inner suburban neigbourhoods is a major barrier to opportunity for many people particularly newcomers and youth.

The Impact

Before joining beyond 3:30, a 12-year-old girl went home to an empty apartment. With the TV as her only source of company, she would often fall asleep on the couch. She rarely got any exercise, completed her homework, or had a proper dinner. A school friend told her about beyond 3:30, and after reluctantly joining, she can’t get enough of the program. Now she’s healthier, happier, and finishes her homework on time.

Beyond compare programming language

When he had nothing to do after school, a Grade 7 student started getting into trouble on the streets. His mother enrolled him in beyond 3:30 where he made new friends who were positive influences in his life. He is now more cooperative with his family and is developing leadership skills in school.

The Facts

2020-2021 School Year Resources

beyond 3:30 Programs

Sports and Physical Fitness

With a minimum of 60 minutes of skills-oriented training, beyond 3:30 students are becoming healthier and learning important leadership and teamwork skills — not to mention excelling at sports and having a great time doing it. 64% of students said that they learned something new about fitness and sport. The majority of beyond 3:30 students attend the program all 5 days of the week, and while the hour of fitness training is a big draw, many also credit the additional 30 minutes of physical games, like octopus or dodge ball, among their favourite parts.

Nutrition - Junior Chefs' Club
Beyond compare programming language

The Junior Chefs’ Club is a cornerstone of beyond 3:30, often encouraging students through the door. Under the supervision of trained Nutrition Staff, a rotating crew of students learn how to cook easy, healthy and inexpensive meals. Then they do the dishes! By providing them healthy food every single day we help improve their immediate health and reduce behavioral issues. By teaching them how to plan, shop for and prepare their own meals, we give them the skills they need to keep themselves healthy for the rest of their lives.

The lucky winners of the Feed Tomorrow Week’s Culinary Cook-Off get an exclusive behind the scenes experience in a real working kitchen with professional Chef Brad Long. Chef Brad gives our Junior Chefs a tour of his restaurant, Cafe Belong, and then cooks them a delicious meal which they all enjoy together. It is a wonderful day out for our up-and-coming chefs!

Homework Support

Led by Teachers’ College graduates who liaise directly with daytime school staff, beyond 3:30 children get targeted after-school support to learn better study habits and achieve better grades. beyond 3:30 students have said that participation in the program helped them work harder in school, and 70% said their grades improved as a direct result. Many of these students have the ability to succeed; they just need the tools to be able to do so and beyond 3:30 is providing those tools.

Financial Literacy

The Financial Literacy Program is designed to help introduce the students to important, real-life issues and lessons. They learn about things like interest, mortgages, and RRSPs as a way to get them familiar with the concepts to take away any fear or apprehension. Tailored to a younger age group, the sessions are games-based and use simple language they find fun, as well as informative. Most of our staff reported learning nearly as much as the kids!

Arts Program

How To Use Beyond Compare

A variety of art programs were offered in rotation throughout the year. Organizations like Arts for Children and Youth provided formal arts training workshops, free of charge. These initiatives are among the most popular with the children, and open a whole new world of art, music, and culture to students that — in many cases —rarely get the opportunity to leave their own neighbourhoods.

Community Dinners

Community Dinners allow students to demonstrate their new skills to their parents in a casual and welcoming environment. Together, all the participants cook meals and serve the teachers and families who are there as guests. Participation awards are presented and participants share with their parents lessons learned and the benefits that result. It’s a fun and interactive event where parents, students, and staff alike come together and celebrate the successes of beyond 3:30.

Real-time and block-level file sync product

Thanks to your software, I don't have any fear of losing my files anymore. Real time sync is quite useful. Thank you!
- Sumedha Mahawanniarachchi

The real-time sync is the real deal .... I'm constantly changing files that get synced to a webserver... With BeyondSync, by the time I switch to my browser, the file has already been copied.
- Matthew Jackson

Real Time Sync

Real time sync monitors folders and start sync as soon as there are files were created, updated or deleted. It's the easiest and the most effective solution you can find for a file sync product. It doesn't scan folder at all, this means it almost doesn't use CPU and memory resource. It also means real time sync always has same and the best performance no matter you have one hundred or one million files (?)

Block Level Sync

Only copy changed part when a file is updated. It improves the sync performance significantly. Saving your precious time and bandwidth. For large file, it can reduce time of sync from hours to just seconds! ( ? )

Side by Side Comparison

Intuitive side by side folder comparison lets you preview all actions before actual sync. You can see what exactly will happen before the files can be synchronized.

Scheduled Sync

Beyond Sync has built-in scheduler to let you schedule sync at a specified time. It can run as a Windows Service to keep your files in sync 7*24. It works in background, no user interaction is required. You can receive email notification when sync completes.

Beyond Compare Tool

(Instant key delivery)

All these great features guarantee that your files will be synchronized effectively. That's why thousands of users rely on Beyond Sync to synchronize their important files. That's also the reason that CNET's editor gave Beyond Sync the highest five stars rating!

'Fevosoft's Beyond Sync is just the sort of handy little tool we love to have around. It's a simple but capable utility that can synchronize and back up files locally, on network drives, or on just about any sort of external device, in real time...'

Reviewed by: CNET. (Read full review on CNET...)

So, why not take the advice of the editor of the largest software distribution network in the world and give Beyond Sync a try?
to ease your life right now, or download a 30 day trial version for free.

Beyond Sync is exactly what I was looking for to protect my important files. Now file backup is truly automatic. And very, very good customer support
- Glen Nicholls

Very useful as an automatic syncing tool for our mobile workforce via a VPN into our office
- Jason Wiebe

Main Features

  • Real Time Sync
    Your files will be synchronized immediately when they are created, updated or deleted. It works in background, no user interaction is required.
  • Block Level Sync
    Only copy changed part when a file is updated, not the whole file. ( ? )
  • Run as a Windows Service
    Beyond Sync can run as a Windows Service to keep you files in sync 7*24 hours. No matter you logged in or not.
  • Synchronize network folders
    You can synchronize folders with other computers easily.
  • High performance multiple threads file transferring
    Synchronizes multiple files at the same time. You'll get the best performance.

  • Handle different time zone
    Synchronize files correctly even if the time zone between source and target is different.

  • Conflict detection
    How about if you modified a same file in both source and target folder? Most software can NOT handle this, they simply overwrite old files. Beyond Sync takes care of this situation. You can ensure your files will not be overwritten by mistake!
  • Email notification
    Notify you when something goes wrong. You can monitor the sync process anytime, anywhere.
  • Command Line mode is supported
    You can integrate the sync process with your current workflow.
  • Byte-to-byte verification
    Ensure your files were synchronized 100% successfully.
  • And much more...

Further Reading

Real Time Sync
Block Level Sync
Automatic Sync
Install Windows Service
Network Sync

Beyond Compare Programmatically

Any questions about Beyond Sync? Please feel free to contact us, we will be very glad to help you. For volume purchases, re-branding and OEM, please contact our sales team

Beyond Compare External Program Not Found

(Need to synchronize files with FTP servers? Please try FTP Synchronizer instead)