Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bin

You can download the pre-built binary distributions from one of the mirror sites at xalan-j distribution directory.

Xalan-J has two processors, an interpretive one, Xalan Interpretive, and a compiled one, Xalan Compiled (XSLTC). Your choice of which binary distribution to download depends on which of the processors you want to use. There are 2 binary distributions available; you only need to choose one of them. Both binary distributions contain xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar from Xerces-Java 2.9.0.

  • The first binary distribution, xalan-j_2_7_1-bin.zip or xalan-j_2_7_1-bin.tar.gz, contains the Xalan Interpretive processor, the Xalan Compiled processor (XSLTC) and the runtime support packages in a single jar, called xalan.jar. The reason to use this distribution would be that you don't know which processor you are going to use, or might be using both.

  • The second binary distribution, xalan-j_2_7_1-bin-2jars.zip or xalan-j_2_7_1-bin-2jars.tar.gz contains the Xalan Interpretive processor in xalan.jar, and the Xalan Compiled processor (XSLTC) and the runtime support packages in xsltc.jar. The reason to using this distribution is that you want more control. If you are using just XSLTC you can put xsltc.jar on the classpath and not xalan.jar. If you are using just the interpretive processor you can put xalan xalan.jar on the classpath and not xsltc.jar. Of course you can put both xalan.jar and xsltc.jar from this distribution on your classpath if you want to use both.
Apache ant 1.8 1 bin storage box

Apache AntUnit 1.4 Jun 26, 2018 - Apache AntUnit 1.4 Released. Apache AntUnit 1.4 is now available for download as binary or source release. This release fixes a few race-conditions in LogCapturer and the br-template inside the XSLT stylesheet used for creating the reports. EasyAnt retired Dec 13, 2016 - EasyAnt retired. For CDH, follow these steps: Install ANT in /home/ant: tar -zxvf apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz -C /home/ant/ Install Maven in /home/mvn: tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz -C /home/mvn.

I'm trying to use ant to compile using this command: ant compile I don't know if the problem comes from my windows 64bit, or by something else. Because I have java Installed in the 64 & 32 prog files. I downloaded apache-ant-1.8.2-bin and putted it in C: Program Files apache-ant-1.8.2. Download apache-ant-1.8.2.jar. Apache-ant/apache-ant-1.8.2.jar.zip( 1,783 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files.

We provide two distributions: a binary distribution, and a source distribution. You can also download a source distribution from one of the same mirror sites at xalan-j distribution directory. The difference is that a binary distribution contains -bin in its name, whereas a source distribution contain -src in its name.

To use Xalan-Java, you need the following which are available from either a binary or source distribution:

Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bin Laden

  • xml-apis.jar JAXP APIs
  • xercesImpl.jar (or another XML Parser)
  • xalan.jar
  • xsltc.jar the XSLTC processor, if you choose a 2jars distribution
  • serializer.jar which are the serializer classes of Xalan-Java

If you have downloaded a binary distribution, you already have a build (you have the jars). This is also true for a source distribution, however if you downloaded a source distribution, you have the option to use Ant to build Xalan-Java, including xalan.jar, xsltc.jar, serializer.jar and other things, see Using ant for more details.


Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bingo

Installed Programs:ant, antRun, antRun.pl, complete-ant-cmd.pl, runant.pl, and runant.py
Installed Libraries:ant.jar, ant-*.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xml-apis.jar

Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bin Download

Short Descriptions

Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bin

Apache Ant 1.8 1 Bin Storage Box


is a Java based build tool used by many packages instead of the conventional make program.


is a support script used to start ant build scripts in a given directory.


is a Perl script that provides similar functionality offered by the antRun script.


is a Perl script that allows Bash to complete an ant command-line.


is a Perl wrapper script used to invoke ant.


is a Python wrapper script used to invoke ant.


files are the Apache AntJava class libraries.


is a Java class library used by Apache Ant to perform XML parsing.


contains the DOM Java classes required by the Apache Ant XML formatter.