Sainsburys Colleague Handbook

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Employee Handbook – TESCO


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Sainsburys colleague handbook pdf


Employee Handbook – TESCO, A company which started off as a small stall in East London by Jack Cohen in 1919 is now a globally renowned retailer. It has expanded its business operations across 12 countries with 7,817 stores employing more than half a million employees in order to serve over millions of customers each week. UK being the home country for the company, Tesco’s network consists of 3,561 stores serving 66 customers every second with the core value of giving them a better experience on every shopping trip. The company is headed towards challenging global crises like obesity and food waste through its widespread network (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Mission Statement

Tesco’s mission is customer centric as the company wants to serve its consumers providing them a better quality and smooth way of living. Tesco communicates with its customers and incorporates innovation in the service style to better satisfy the needs of customers (Tesco plc, 2015a).

Purpose of the human resource section

Human Resource department provides structure to the organization, managing the backbone of the company i.e. its employees. Its role starts with recruiting the best suitable candidates and therefore requires an in depth understanding of the need of the organization and also the applicant’s qualities. HR needs to ensure workplace safety to compensate staff’s health and safety at all times at the workplace. The department also looks into maintaining good relations between the employees and employer.

HR managers remain alert towards resolving any workplace conflicts that may arise, before these turn into a mob of unsatisfied labour unions (Ulrich, 2013; and Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Measuring job satisfaction at intervals helps in being up to date with an employee’s commitment to the company’s operations. Compensations, rewards and benefits are to be managed by HR, TESCO Employee Handbook for this they need to access performance of employees diligently. Continuous training and development of the employees at professional and personal level is also HR’s responsibility; as both extrinsically and intrinsically satisfied employees will deliver the best service to the company (Mayhew, n.d.)

Human Resource Management

Personal Management

Personal management is an administrative function within an organisation which is carried out through the role of appointing and developing work force and abiding by the employment laws and related tasks (Reddy, 2004).

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is the management of staff and is the backbone of the company. It is aimed at achieving the success of the company by focussing upon personal and professional development (Banfield & Kay, 2012).

Differentiating Personal from Human Resource Management

The principal differences between the two types of management are laid out in table – 1 below (Wilson, 2014; and Storey, 2014).

Personnel Management

Human Resources Management

A reactive and conventional approach.A proactive and modern approach.
It is of administrative nature and belongs to the domain of routine functioning.It is of managerial nature and belongs to the domain of strategic integrated functions.
Focuses on employee’s administration, welfare measures and relationship with the labour unions.Emphasizes upon maintenance, development, acquisition and motivation of employees.
Job is designed on the basis of distribution of labour.Job is designed on the basis of group and team working.
Less focused upon development or training of employees.More focused upon development or training of employees.
Decisions are made by top level authority.Decisions are made collectively, involving the workforce.
Focuses upon enhanced production rates and satisfaction of employees.Focuses upon participation of employees, productivity, organizational culture and effectiveness.

Table – 1

HRM Functions

The functions performed by Human Resource Management department can be classified into two basic types:

  • Managerial: Core managerial functions start with planning and consist of organization, staffing, direction and imparting control (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).
  • Operational: These functions are principally carried out by the HR department for the rest of the departments of the company and encompass: industrial relations, integration, motivation, maintenance, compensation, development and procurement (Durai, 2010).

Various HRM functions and their interpretation by Tesco, are given in Table – 2 below (Haddock-Millar & Rigby, 2015).

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Examples

HRM Function

Role at Tesco

PlanningForecasting techniques, determining plans, developing rules and procedures, and setting goals and objectives.
OrganizingDetermining authority, responsibility and accountability for each staff member.
StaffingRecruiting, industrial relations, benefits, rewards, training and development and employment.
DirectingMotivating towards goal achievement by boosting morale on individual and group level.
ControllingMeasuring efficiency against tasks assigned to individuals and teams.
ProcurementRecruitment and selection, HR planning, job analysis and design.
DevelopmentDevelopment and training programs for employees and executives for continuous improvement of skills, abilities and knowledge.
CompensationConcerns employee performance evaluation and recognition system.
MaintenanceRetaining efficient and experienced employees through HR activities like recreation, transportation, counselling, and health benefits.
IntegrationConsidering industry relations, being up to date with labour laws and regulations so as not to encounter any negative action from the labour unions.

Table – 2

Roles in HRM

Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Template

Line Manager:

Line manager has the role of a supervisor, allocating work to subordinates, through policies and decisions for achieving a company’s objectives (Web Finance, 2015).

Sainsbury's Colleague Handbook Meaning

Importance of Line Manager:


Sainsburys Colleague Handbook Pdf


Line manager is in close contact with the employees; thus have the responsibility of interviewing suitable candidates according to the job requirement, TESCO Employee Handbook setting targets to be achieved by each individual. They have to assess employees’ performance through employee appraisal form and decide if the employees deserve a reward and what that reward should be, TESCO Employee Handbook like making salary increase recommendations and other benefits. Continuous development and motivation of employees are also the responsibilities of line mangers (Sikora, Ferris & Van Iddekinge, 2015).

Responsibilities of Line Managers at Tesco

The responsibilities of line managers at Tesco include (Hadjisolomou, 2015):

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